
Thursday 14 February 2019

A Review A Valentine

Dear readers,

I'm sorry I've been away again, I guess you deserve some kind of closure. I've loved our time together, we've had some great moments over the years. But things got too much and I had to take a break. I thought I could start again, rekindle that spark, but I ended up settling into my old ways. I wanted to give you something interesting and fresh, but I just ended up doing the same old thing, talking about food that tastes nice, or doesn't taste nice, which takes its toll on me, especially my wallet and waistline. So here it is, an ironic break up note on Valentine's Day. I loved it, but all good things must come to an end. Hopefully one day I'll start a new project, but until then, this is goodbye.

Just know, it's not you, it's me.