
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Today's Review: My Not Very Eventful Day

My second full day in Oman. Time to get out and experience all that culture, right? Not quite yet apparently. We've made some plans though, there'll be some interesting things to come. But since my children have seen it fit to drink all the juice in the house (admittedly I helped), it was off to the Sultan Centre to stock up, and look for those bits and pieces that I missed yesterday.

Mission accomplished. I also got a massive watermelon because massive things are cool. As we left I felt a bit dejected about spending so much money on food, but it was time to eat dinner, so couldn't feel crappy about that for long. On the way to our place of eating we drove on a road through the mountains, and I snapped a few pictures that actually prove I'm in a different country and haven't just imported foodstuffs into my home.

See? Mountains and stuff. I'll take better pictures as the week goes on, this was through the window of a moving car. There are lots of mountains. We'll be going up one at the weekend. Thursday and Friday is the weekend here by the way. But I digress. Where were we going for dinner? Somewhere we could experience the culture and finesse of Omani food? No. D'arcy's Kitchen.

It's so English my fiancée's mother has those plates at her house. It seems very much like someone decided that English people who live here are probably all racist and just want to be back home, so they created a restaurant chain that makes food that sends their minds spiralling back to their beloved memories like Anton Ego in Ratatouille (obscure reference FTW). So while it was fish and chips all round, I rebelled a little and looked for something a bit different. Unfortunately there was only one foreign thing on the menu.

I forgot the name because I'm a bit slow today. But it's white fish and potato in a coconut and chili sauce. Kinda tasted like a korma but with a certain spiciness. It was pretty damn good. Then I had cheesecake because if there is an option of eating cheesecake I can't not have it.

And off home we went. Tomorrow we might do something remotely holiday-like, like going to a beach or something. But we shall see. I may not have done much so far, but it's a holiday, and so far I've done a lot of relaxing. I don't even have to do housework. Ain't that good?

My rating: 3/5

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