
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Today's Review: Disney Buying Lucasfilm

It has been announced today that Disney have bought Lucasfilm for the small sum of $4 billion dollars. This also comes with the news that there will be three new Star Wars movies made, and that George Lucas will be serving as a creative consultant.

How should we feel about this? I for one am somewhat excited. Many are apprehensive after the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, and the last instalment of Indiana Jones. They want their beloved franchises to remain as unsoiled as they can be, and Disney seems to be this big kid friendly company who are looking to shit all over them. But Disney has done a lot of good in my eyes recently. Since they made John Lasseter chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios we've seen some classic movies like The Princess And The Frog and Tangled, and the awesome-looking upcoming Wreck-It Ralph. Disney also acquired Marvel back in 2009, and in recent years they have provided us with some high quality superhero movies culminating in the kick-ass ensemble Avengers movie.

So yes, Disney have Star Wars. Will they ruin it? I'd like to think they won't. Many people think that it's been pretty ruined already, by the guy that created the whole thing. But now he's not the one in charge maybe we'll have someone around to knock ideas like Jar Jar Binks and crystal alien skulls on the head before they become a reality.

That's my opinion anyway, but since I'm a huge Disney fan I may be a little biased. Not that I'm completely sure these new Star Wars will be fantastic, but I am cautiously optimistic about what we shall receive in 2015.

My rating: 4/5

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