
Saturday 4 May 2013

Today's Review: Cinnamon Rolls

I have mentioned my hatred of cinnamon, and the origin of that hatred before. To this day it remains one of the few foods I can't stand. But one thing baffles me: I absolutely love cinnamon rolls.

I don't know why I first had one. I got it from Cinnabon, and there's no way I didn't know about the cinnamon content because it's in the damn name. But there was something about that plump, rolled dough, draped with lashings of icing, that made me want one bad. Upon eating it I knew I made the right decision. Cinnamon rolls are chewy, doughy, smooth, slightly spicy and satisfying. Rather than overpowering the other flavours like it had done in other foods I've tried, the cinnamon in the cinnamon roll just complements everything perfectly.

So while I may never fully accept cinnamon as a nice spice, there obviously are ways it can be used that are appealing to me. Cinnamon rolls is definitely one of those ways.

My rating: 5/5

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