
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Today's Review: Butterkist Pop 'N' Pour Chocolate Microwave Popcorn

I mentioned yesterday that Butterkist have a few new sweet flavours on offer, so I thought I'd review another one today. This one is a little different, as it's a microwave popcorn with a sachet of chocolate sauce. Sounded good to me though, chocolate and popcorn is a magic combination. The sauce comes in a little sachet that you can stick in warm water to make it nice and warm for your freshly popped corn. So once all the elements were ready, it was time to put them together. Put the popcorn in a bowl, drizzle over the sauce and give it a good stir.

This is the result. It may not look like a great coverage, but the small sachet of sauce actually goes quite a long way with the amount of popcorn in the bag, and it sticks quite nicely onto the corn too. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite taste as good as it sounds. The popcorn itself is plain, and while the chocolate sauce adds some lovely flavour, there's just not enough to stop the odd flavourless kernel impacting a mouthful. I think it would work a lot better if this stuff came with a bag of sweet popcorn. Also, while the chocolate sauce is nice, it's certainly goopy after sitting in warm water, so you should be prepared to get in a sticky mess when you reach in and grab a handful. This is a nice idea for a different kind of popcorn, and it's quite nice when it's all put together, but it's not quite flavoursome enough to get a high score from me. There's also a chocolate orange variety out that might add a bit more flavour, but I don't think it would be as nice as other sweet popcorns.

My rating: 3/5

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