
Sunday 8 June 2014

Today's Review: Choc Brownie Tim Tam

I've been wanting to try Tim Tams for a while now, as I've only ever heard good things. Although there are vast amounts of things that can kill you in Australia, the way they talk about Tim Tams almost makes it seem worth living there. So while I couldn't quite find the original Tim Tams, I did find this chocolate brownie version, that is apparently created by Adriano Zumbo, who Wikipedia tells me is a famous pastry chef. So what could go wrong, with a famous biscuit designed by a pastry master?

The biscuit is pretty much like a fat Penguin, with its chocolate biscuit with chocolate in the middle, coated in chocolate. It certainly is nice and chocolatey, with some nice textures between the layers, and a lot of flavour spread throughout, but something just seemed a bit off. Perhaps it's the addition of the chocolate brownie flavour, but there was a strange aftertaste that didn't sit well with me, a sort of spiciness that lingered for a while. It was good while I was eating it though, and I certainly won't be quick to discount the whole brand. It's now my mission to seek out more varieties, especially the original, as I'm sure all the Tim Tam fanatics must be on to something. As for this flavour, it's okay, certainly worth a go if you can't find anything else.

My rating: 4/5


  1. Did you not do a Tim Tam Slam? :O

    1. I was not aware of such a thing, poor uninitiated me. I'll definitely be doing it once I pick up some more.

  2. In the UK, it's possible to do a "Penguin Slam"; same thing entirely! Chocsplosion!

  3. A Tim Tam slam is a must! I remember years ago when I first learned of this practice I tried it with various different chocolate bars. Twix's work quite well, as do Penguins.

    1. Trust me, do it with a galaxy ripple.
