
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Today's Review: Frankie & Benny's Peanut Butter Cheesecake

Cheesecake is probably my favourite dessert. It's crunchy, it's creamy, and you can stick whatever you like on top. Fruit, chocolate, caramel, you name it. So as I was perusing the dessert menu at Frankie & Benny's, my eyes lit up when I came across the last entry, a peanut butter cheesecake. I adore cheesecake, I love peanut butter. What could go wrong?

First things first, this dessert looks awesome. A chocolatey, peanut butter cheesecake wedge, drizzled in chocolate, with more peanuts thrown on for good measure. If that wasn't enough, you also get a scoop of peanut butter ice cream on the side, because the only thing better than peanut butter is more peanut butter. 

It looks good, yes, but it tastes even better. The bulk of the cheesecake is a fabulously creamy, smooth, peanut butter flavoured wonder, with a chocolatey hint that just adds more flavour, instead of both fighting for your attention. I thought the peanuts on top would be a bit of a distraction, but they work well with the chocolate drizzle to top off the awesome flavour you get from the cake itself. I'd have been happy enough with just the cheesecake, but the ice cream is an accomplishment too. Definitely not as flavoursome as the cheesecake, but still a bold peanut butter taste with the lovely smooth ice cream texture, all together it makes up one awesome dessert. I may not go to Frankie & Benny's often, but I'm sure I'll be back for this.

My rating: 5/5

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