
Sunday 8 January 2017

Today's Review: Plumrose Bacon Grill Bacon Roll

I'm not one to frequent the tinned meat aisle, because the term "tinned meat" makes me feel slightly dead inside. But I gazing upon the canned goods in B&M, I figured I'd search for the most horrible looking offering and plunge into it head first. Not that I could do that, because my head wouldn't fit in the tin. So here we have some bacon grill, or is it bacon roll? The pictures show it in a roll, so is it a bacon grill designed to help you emulate a bacon roll? The answer to these mysteries obviously lay within.

Ah, the answer is it's a non-descript block of "meat" that doesn't seem fit for anything. I know I wasn't expecting anything from this, but I still ended up disappointed. As you may have surmised, this doesn't taste like bacon. In fact, it doesn't taste like much at all, there's a faint hint of something Spam-like, but really it's just a block of chewy, slightly meaty stuff. I expected to be disgusted by the flavour, but this is just especially bland. So if you're after a flavourless, processed lump of foodstuff, by all means hunt this down. I won't be cracking open another can of meat for a while though.

My rating: 0/5


  1. You're supposed to slice it and fry it.

    If you slice it fry it, it becomes tasty. Not the most wonderful foodstuff in the universe, but satisfying if that's what you want.

    If you don't, it doesn't. Would you review ordinary bacon by eating it raw? No.

  2. You're not one to frequent the tinned meat aisle. You bought "Bacon Grill" and shop in B&M.

    Does not compute.
