
Saturday 20 May 2017

Today's Review: Haribo Tangfastic Summer Frenzy Ice Cream Sorbet Flavours

I'm quite fond of these "frenzy" flavours that come out every now and then, they give the classic Haribo a little twist that normally goes pretty well. This time it's a summer edition, so we have "ice cream sorbet" flavours, If you think that means some of your regular fruit flavours, you'd be wrong. These are a combination of peach, watermelon, passion fruit, mango and bubblegum. Bit of an odd selection, I know, they don't really seem to fit well with the sorbet and ice cream theme.

After tasting them, I'd say they really don't fit. The ice cream is presented in the form of the foam on the back of the crocodiles. I wouldn't say it particularly tastes like ice cream, but it's fairly creamy. The sweets themselves have pretty intense, sweet flavours, some in keeping with the fruits, but others taking it to the extreme. There's nothing particularly bad in this bag, but I was expecting something a little more subdued to coincide with the ice cream theme. As it is the fruits overshadow the other elements, so it would be more fitting to just market these as fruity Tangfastics. An interesting attempt, but I can't say this is a fantastic bag.

My rating: 3/5

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