
Tuesday 7 November 2017

Today's Review: Costa Billionaire's Latte

The Christmas drinks have arrived, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this new latte from Costa, based on the oh so wonderful Billionaire's Shortbread. This is one you'll want to stir up, as it features layers of chocolate and caramel sauce, on top of which is a "mocha blend", topped with cream and shortbread pieces.

The sauces are laid on pretty thick at the bottom but after I mixed it up it looked pretty well incorporated. The flavours are present in the drink, the caramel at the forefront, and the chocolate just sort of... there. In all honesty, it just tastes pretty much like a caramel latte, just with a bit of chocolate chucked in. I don't see how the coffee is much of a mocha blend, there's not nearly as much chocolate as I figured there would be. I mean, that's not a bad thing, the chocolate layer in a Billionaire's Shortbread isn't meant to be overwhelming. But the shortbread here is very unrepresented. Just a smattering of crumbs on top of the cream, they don't even make their way into the coffee, and I doubt mixing them in would do much for the flavour. This really needs some kind of shortbread incorporated into the drink for the full experience, but as it is it's just a pretty okay chocolatey caramel latte. Not the best Christmas effort.

My rating: 3/5

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