
Monday 5 February 2018

Today's Review: Cadbury Freddo Face Cakes

You wait ages for a new Cadbury product to come along, and they all seem to come out at once. Here we have Freddo Face Cakes, which are cakes with Freddo faces on them. Kudos to whoever came up with that name. Anyway, these consist of two soft cake discs, with a choc chip filling in between.

These are fairly sizeable cakes, some large discs with a good amount of thickness. The cake part is nice and soft, almost pancake like texture, and while it's somewhat lacking in flavour, it's a good quality cake. The filling is great, a smooth chocolate mousse with some tiny chocolate chips spread throughout. It's laid on fairly thick, and works really well in combination with the biscuit to make a pretty decent snack. Great for lunch boxes, or for any occasion really.

My rating: 4/5

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