
Sunday 18 February 2018

Today's Review: Diet Coke Feisty Cherry

After trying the Exotic Mango Diet Coke the other day, I was on the hunt for the Peach Coke Zero. Unfortunately, while I found a standee dedicated to the new flavours, it was only populated by this new Feisty Cherry Diet Coke. Now, I'm pretty sure Cherry Diet Coke was already a thing, so I'm not sure what they want to accomplish by putting "Feisty" in the name. I'm pretty sure it was a re-branding for the new American Diet Coke flavours, but I figured I'd pick up a bottle and see if the formula has been re-worked.

They've done something to this drink, that's for sure. It's not good. It smells a little of cherry, and the initial taste is there a little, but it soon gives way to a chemical flavour, and for some reason it burns my tongue and throat after I've drunk it. Forget the feisty, this Coke is fiery, and I don't know why. Cherry Diet Coke was already fine, it wasn't the best, but it was alright for a diet drink. I don't know what they've done to this, but it's nowhere near the same league. It's a chemical tasting sweetened mess that leaves my throat on fire. That's not what I want from a refreshing drink at all. Coke have really dropped the ball on this one.

My rating: 1/5


  1. I opened a bottle of this tonight (06/04/18) and I agree it smells of chemicals and tastes the same. My throat actually seems burned, even 2 hours after drinking just 3 swallows and my stomach feels like I've drank acid! I will be making a complaint to Tesco, Mansfield, Notts, UK and to Coca Cola. I'm going to have to give the emergency room a phone call.

    1. It really upset my stomach too.. It was extremely painful and I thought I was in trouble.

  2. It’s supposed to be a spiced flavour and it is actually delicious it gives the cherry coke a nice and new sensation I personally think it’s great

  3. Horrible, like drinking drain cleaner, throat and stomach on fire. They need a warning on the can. This drink won't last, big mistake.

  4. read last night from diet coke that this has chilli in it hence the burning, personally think it should have some sort of warning on the label as doubt anyone would think of checking for chilli in it

  5. I was excited to try it but it LITERALLY HURTS to drink it. My throat hurt so bad. I gave it THREE DIFFERENT TRIES ON THREE SPREAD OUT DIFFERENT DAYS AND IT ITS LIKE A CHEMICAL BURNING SENSATION. I love regular Diet Coke but something is VERY WRONG WITH THIS.

  6. Omg same, it burned my tongue and throat, I am glad it wasn't just me. I hated it. I love pepsi maxi or diet coke cherry but this was just awful!

  7. its awful horrid burning in my mouth cherry coke ruined

  8. Like the spicy sensation, but I think it needs stronger cherry taste.

  9. I tried some and it's just foul. The burning isn't so bad that it's overpowering but it radiates such a strong chemical aftertaste that all the cherry flavour is just blanched out.

    I do NOT recommend it unless you want your expectations of sweet cherry goodness (and your stomach lining) to be seared away by chemical burns.

  10. Something wrong with it... Made my stomach hurt so much that I was sweating. It was sooooo painful. This *really* upset my insides just like food poisoning would... does not taste like the cherry I was expecting either, more like a nasty sweet pepper taste...


    (unless you need to clean an oven)

  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed a burning sensation with it but then I found out it's supposed to be that way I get no chemical smell or chemical taste and now that I know it's supposed to burn it's really not that bad

  12. At first I thought now this a cherry coke! And then by third sip my throat felt like it was burning and then the chemicals just continued to torture my tongue and throat. My throat still hurts 20 minutes later. I read the ingredients becasue I swear they were going to read cayenne pepper but no, not a mention?....what is burning my mouth? What chemical does this, besides battery acid or tide pods?! Never. Ever. Again.

  13. Well if we look at the name of the flavor, it's feisty which means aggressive, ill-tempered and pugnacious. Pugnacious means inclined to be combative. No wonder it isn't sitting right on some users stomachs. I haven't paid much attention to the new flavors but I agree that it should mention the cause of the spicy flavor. It's important to read the labels before ingesting new products. These new products contain acesulfame potassium which is two hundred times sweeter than normal refined sugar. It also contains two different acids Potassium benzoate and Phosphoric acid. The whistle you hear in fireworks, it's caused by Potassium benzoate. Phosphoric acid is used in cosmetic products, anti-rust solutions and detergents. That's concerning but the amounts in a single can of Coca-Cola isn't anything to worry about. I wouldn't go about drinking it everyday though. I doubt many people can say they never did their fair share of soda drinking at some point, but there is something much better as a beverage, water. I rarely drink anything besides water and it may not seem like it makes an impact, but it does. If I start to drink anything other than water for more than a few days, my body feels it. I feel more tired when I am not properly hydrated and physically, my body just feels off. Also, I am not talking about any water, just bottled water. Usually I go for the buy 2 and get 1 free deal with the 24 pack 16.9 ounce bottles. With that special I can buy 72 16.9 ounce bottles of water for $5.00 + tax. Win-Dixie usually has that special and it's for their brand of water.

  14. I thought it was just me. It doesn't taste very good, and leaves an awful burning in my throat and stomach like a bad case of indegestion. Back to only cherry zero and Pepsi cherry zero.

  15. Old iron gut Joe here. I drank this new coke. It tastes like Cherry Coke. I was raised on garbage industrial food like products. After two cans and four hours I was fine. Not for snowflakes. Save your money.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Immediately gave me severe heart burn despite my 2 daily prescription GERD meds. Must be real chili in it, not just flavoring. Should be a warning on the label for those of us that are susceptible.

  18. i just chugged one and now my throat hurts

  19. Absolutely nasty stuff. The gas that comes out of the can when opened stays in the air and make everyone in the room cough. This product should get out of the market. I tossed the remaining cans from the case I bought. DO NOT DRINK THIS THING. Then we wonder why the number of cancer patients are increasing in our society.
