
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Today's Review: Cadbury Fabulous Honeycomb Fingers

What makes a finger a fabulous finger? I don't know, probably the jacked up price. Well, I picked these up for £1, so it wasn't too bad, but there are significantly less than in your regular old Fingers packs. These fabulous fingers boast a honeycomb biscuit centre instead of the normal kind. There's also a layer of white chocolate in between, so very fancy all around.

These are actually very nice. They're like miniature Crunchies, if Crunchies had a biscuit middle and some white chocolate stuffed in them, but you get my drift. The honeycomb flavour is quite bold and tasty, and these fingers certainly melt in your mouth, if you can fit a whole one in. Despite my desire to eat these in two sittings, I polished off the box in no time at all, so they certainly get a thumbs up from me.

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