
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Today's Review: Cadbury Dairy Milk Mousse Snowman

It's September, so obviously it's time for Christmas products. A major gripe for some, but I don't mind it. More time to snack down on all the nice new products that will be lining the shelves. I haven't really seen anything Christmassy around so far though, the only product I've found was this one, tucked away on a shelf at my local Co-Op. 

It's a Dairy Milk snowman! Complete with floppy hat. I guess eye coal detail is difficult to etch onto chocolate. But looks aren't everything, how does it taste? Well, it's basically a layer of Dairy Milk, filled with a vanilla mousse. The first one I ate was quite squishy, like it was slightly melted, and I wasn't sure if it should be like that. I hadn't put it anywhere particularly warm though. Still, to get a proper picture, and a proper taste, I popped the second one in the freezer and managed to take a snap of the filling.

It's quite a generous portion of mousse you get inside, and it's pretty nice too. Smooth, creamy, and blends in really well with the chocolate (especially with the squishy one). These are just plain tasty, and will go hand in hand with Cadbury Wishes as delightful little Christmassy treats. So if you're too busy protesting how ridiculous it is that they're selling these already, just shut up and eat one.

My rating: 5/5

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