
Friday 11 October 2013

Today's Review: Tango Cherry & Blue Raspberry Sour Mega Toobz

Tango seem to be churning out all kinds of weird confectionery, and I seem to find it dotted about all over the place, mostly in Home Bargains and pound shops. Today I picked up these Sour Mega Toobz. They're cherry and blue raspberry pencils, with a purportedly sour coating. Now, I love pencil sweets, they're like the next evolution of laces, and fondant is delicious, so I couldn't pass these up.

Well, "toobz" they certainly are, and their size could be described as "mega" compared to other pencil sweets, I suppose. They're fairly long, and there were quite a few of them in the bag, seeing as it only cost a pound. As for the sour? Well, not so much. There's a slight tang in the sugar, but my lips didn't even think about retracting into my face. Still, the flavours are certainly nice. They're not the boldest, but they're fruity, and the flavour choices are nice. Although the sugar on top isn't really that sour, at least there's not enough that it makes a load of mess. These certainly aren't the best pencil sweets I've tasted, but I won't turn my nose up at another pack.

My rating: 4/5


  1. rubbish not sour. just taste off.

  2. They make your poop green. I thought I was ill... then I remembered I've been slowly eating a pack of these over the last few days... hope this helps?!?!

  3. Yes def cause green poop. Freaked a little then googled these as suspected they may have been the culprit! Tasty but not sour!

  4. Causes green poo need to
    put warnings on packets have been really worried about my son

    1. Did your son also have stomach cramps and loose stools along with the green colour?

  5. Both my soon and I were affected by the green poo. I too panicked then thought they may be to blame. Glad I found this forum

  6. Another member of the green poo club lol. Was really starting to worry until I found this blog. Nice to know its not just me!

  7. I'm glad I have helped so many people come together and solve their oddly coloured poo mystery.

  8. Thank god I found this blog! Been freaking out all day. Googled these as a last hope before I went to the doctors. I have health anxiety so I was really frightened when I saw my stool was BRIGHT GREEN. They should really come with a warning!

  9. Should be a health warning on the pack regarding green poo.too much rubbish in kids sweets already.
