
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Today's Review: Ribena Plus Red Apple Squash

I'm not a massive fan of plain old water, so there's always a bottle of squash handy in my kitchen. It's normally of the cheap and cheerful variety, but if Ribena goes on offer I'm always happy to splash out. So not only is the Ribena Plus range on offer in Tesco, but there are also two new flavours to try, summer fruits and red apple. I assume summer fruits will taste the same as the many other brands of squash out there, but red apple is one that interested me, as it was somewhat unique. There's always an apple and blackcurrant squash, and on the rare occasion if there is a plain apple flavour, it's normally green, so I had to give this a try.

Well, I have to say it's pretty good. It does have that kind of watered down taste that comes from being "no added sugar" and low calorie, but it certainly makes any old glass of water taste quite like red apple. It's sweet, with a little bit of tartness, and it's certainly a nice change from the regular parade of squash flavours out there. It's not perfect, but it's a nice change. 

My rating: 4/5

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