
Friday 10 January 2014

Today's Review: Warburtons Cookie Pancakes

Pancakes make for a fantastic breakfast. Or snack, or lunch, and probably a good dinner too. I certainly prefer thick fluffy pancakes to the thin, flipped ones you make for Shrove Tuesday, and today I picked up this interesting variety from Warburtons. Not only do these pancakes contain chocolate chips, they contain chocolate chip cookie bits.

Yeah, cookies and pancakes, what's not to love? Well, I can't find anything wrong with them. The pancakes themselves are nice and thick, yet light and fluffy. The pieces themselves are lovely, chewy pieces of cookie dough, with the chocolate adding a nice kick. I thought the difference in textures might put me off a bit, but they actually all worked together really well. I ate mine warm, which should be the way you eat pancakes, so the cookie was gooey and delicious. These are definitely some tasty pancakes.

My rating: 5/5


  1. where did you find these?! They look amazing!

    1. They were sitting at the till in my local Poundland, reduced to 25p. No idea if they had them on the shelves, I'd never seen them before.

    2. oh okay.... damn! I checked their website and did a bit of a search but they seem to never of existed! I was looking forward to trying these!

    3. I found Warburtons chocolate cookie pancakes in Sainsburys. They were similar to these, but with chocolate cookie pieces rather than just cookie pieces. Very yummy!

    4. That still sounds awesome! I'll be popping into sainsburys tomorrow!

    5. The hunt is on. I'm eager to get my hands on another pack.

    6. They are sold in most Asda's
