
Thursday 20 February 2014

Today's Review: Hopper's Flying Saucers

I'm not sure if these are a new product or not, but I picked these up from my local Tesco about a week ago. I didn't know the brand, nor did I particularly trust the kid friendly packaging, but that certainly wasn't going to stop me trying these chocolate and vanilla flavoured "sponge discs". After all, at only 50p for a sizeable bag, and only 22 calories per disc, what could go wrong? Apart from them tasting bloody awful of course.

Fortunately, they don't. I realised after eating a few that the term "sponge disc" is really the only way to describe these. They're slightly harder than your average sponge cake, choosing to exist somewhere between cake and biscuit, but they're certainly flavoursome, and quite soft once your mandible gets going. The packaging proudly states that they are great for dunking in milk, so more research was performed, with great success. Milk softens these bad boys right up, but not enough that they crumble into a soggy mess. Overall these are a fantastic light snack. They taste great, are low in calories, and best of all they're cheap.

My rating: 5/5


  1. I have looked in tesco here and cannot find these anymore, they're not on tesco website or anything. Where can I get some? Please help my 7 month old boy loves them

    1. I used to buy at Morrisons but I can not find them anymore!!!

  2. Natalie - North London15 June 2014 at 14:28

    My sister introduced me to these delightful things, I've been told Tesco, Asda and Morrisons sell them but can I find them NO I can not and its quit upsetting, the only reason im writing this post is because I resorted to hunting them down on line but only found this post :(

    1. Natalie - NLondon15 June 2014 at 14:36

      Just found this email for the company that makes them I will be fighting the plight to getting these in every shop!

    2. I've only ever seen them the once, so I guess they're pretty hard to track down.
