
Thursday 10 April 2014

Today's Review: Tesco Pepperoni & Tomato Chilli Crumb Pizza

I don't often buy supermarket pizzas, they normally come in quite bland flavours that don't interest me too much. But this pepperoni pizza caught my attention with its tomato chilli crumb topping. I love chilli, and crumbs are awesome too, so I had to give it a go.

Underneath, it's a generic pepperoni pizza. Not bad, but nothing special either. The crumb really adds some extra tastiness though. It's not overly hot, but it adds a lovely hint of spice throughout the whole pizza. The tomato flavours adds a nice creamy texture too, and because it's in breadcrumb form rather than chunks of topping, it's evenly and generously spread. The crumb works well with the pepperoni, but I was left wondering if there's anything more interesting that they could have paired it with. Still, I wasn't expecting to enjoy this pizza as much as I did. It's not the best pizza I've had, but it's well worth picking up, especially as it's a limited edition flavour.

My rating: 5/5

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