
Sunday 31 August 2014

Today's Review: Let's Be Cops

I had heard nothing about this movie until I saw the poster a few days ago. But hey, I had some cinema vouchers to use, so I thought why not? Let's Be Cops stars Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans as a couple of down on their luck roommates living in L.A. Getting nowhere with their lives and considering moving back home, a bit of excitement comes their way when they dress up as cops for a party, and find themselves being mistaken for the real thing. Shenanigans ensue as the duo take their cop routine to the streets every night, but soon enough they find themselves in deep trouble with some real life mobsters.

Sounds like a pretty generic plot, right? Well, yes, it is. I found myself accurately predicting most of the plot points, and the characters are pretty much cookie cut loveable losers, villains and love interests. There's really nothing special story wise, but it's saved somewhat by the combination of Johnson and Wayans. They've already proven their comedy chips in New Girl, and this movie has more of the same rapport going on. While a lot of the comedic situations they find themselves in didn't quite tickle my funny bone, they managed to get a chuckle from me purely from their delivery and rapport. Sure, there were a few scenes that seemed overly improvised, drawn out and just out of place, but I certainly had a few laughs that I don't think I would have with alternative stars.

Let's Be Cops is not a bad movie. It easily could have been, but with some solid lead performances, it's pretty okay. Certainly not one I'd place on a best of comedy list, but if you're after a buddy (non)cop movie, you might want to check it out.

My rating: 3/5

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