
Monday 28 September 2015

Today's Review: Tootsie Roll Midgees

There's a lot of stuff I've tried over the years that I have apparently never bothered reviewing. Tootsie Roll would be one of those. It's one of those American snacks that I've heard about on TV, so I grabbed one as soon as I saw one in Cyber Candy a few years back now, It's pretty good, a long, chewy, chocolatey bar that you can now pick up in the American section of Tesco, but the other week I found this miniature version in Poundland. I don't hold much against bite size versions of things, especially when the packaging encourages me to eat several at once, so I figured it was worth picking these up.

The bite size element actually works in this snack's favour. The original Tootsie Roll is a bit of a beast. Sure, it's not big, but it is chewy, and it takes some effort to bite off a chunk to chew, and the results can be a little bit drooly and messy. With these there's no problem. Each piece is individually wrapped, and easy to pop into your mouth and chew at your own leisure. Composition wise, these things are exactly the same as the regular variety. They're fantastically chewy, but not enough to get stuck in your teeth, it's somewhere between the consistency of taffy and toffee. The flavour is great, a nice cocoa flavour that's a little bit dark, and it's one that lasts throughout chewing and for quite a while after. I do love a Tootsie Roll, and these bite size ones are even more convenient. I'll be picking these up again for sure.

My rating: 5/5

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