
Sunday 18 October 2015

Today's Review: Häagen-Dazs Belgian Chocolate & Chocolate Salted Caramel

It's National Chocolate Week. Well, the last day of it anyway. I was sent a couple of Häagen-Dazs vouchers this week in order to try out two of their chocolate themed flavours for the occasion, not that we need an excuse to eat chocolate ice cream, right? Here we have Belgian Chocolate and Chocolate Salted Caramel. The former is a classic that I've certainly enjoyed before, but I wasn't going to turn down the chance to try another tub, and I haven't reviewed it yet either. I reviewed the regular Salted Caramel flavour a couple of years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it, and I wasn't really aware a chocolate version existed. 

Popping off the lids, the draw of each flavour is instantly recognisable. The caramel swirl, embedded with pieces of salted caramel brittle. The flecks of Belgian chocolate that are dispersed throughout the entire tub. 

I'm not one to buy generic ice cream flavours all that often, but the Belgian Chocolate is definitely a favourite of mine. The chocolate ice cream is smooth and creamy, and there are so many pieces of Belgian chocolate that add a fantastic texture and an extra added chocolate taste. It's a little dark, but is fantastically counteracted by the creaminess of the ice cream. 

As for the Chocolate Salted Caramel, I wasn't sure if I'd be disappointed, a lot of salted caramel products I've tried over the years haven't been that great. But boy, I was wrong. My very first spoonful had a generous helping of the caramel swirl, and as soon as it touched my tongue I was greeted with a bold salty taste, which quickly mellowed out into a smooth, sweet caramel. I gave the regular Salted Caramel variety top marks, and it's carried over to this chocolate version very nicely. The brittle pieces add a nice bit of crunch, and the chocolate ice cream is fantastically creamy, making for one gorgeous ice cream tub.

So there you go, two amazing chocolatey ice cream flavours that will help you celebrate National Chocolate Week in style, even though it's almost over. Still, buy some anyway, because every week should be chocolate week.

My rating: 5/5 

1 comment:

  1. I just bought the Belgian chocolate today
    omg delicious !!! I had to stop myself from eating the whole thing in one setting buying this one again for sure
