
Tuesday 8 November 2016

Today's Review: Maryland Creations Choc Dipped Dark Choc Chunk Cookies

Maryland haven't impressed me much with their last few releases, but I found this pack of cookies that seemed quite promising the other day. I love the Fox's dipped chocolate cookie, and this seemed pretty much the same deal, except it's all chocolate. A chocolate cookie with dark chocolate chunks, and dipped in chocolate for good measure. Also, they appeared to be following the classic Maryland recipe, none of this soft baked or gooey shenanigans, so what could go wrong?

These are good cookie, on the whole. It's a lot of chocolate, but it's all utilised pretty well. The texture is great, a nice crunch with a good amount of crumbliness, and the chocolate flavour of the cookies works pretty well, not overly sickly. The chocolate coating is a nice touch, and helps round off the overall chocolate flavour. I would say there's perhaps too much chocolate going on here, especially in the form of the dark chocolate chunks, which adds a twist of bitterness that brings the sickliness up a notch. It's a minor thing, but if just one of the chocolate elements wasn't here this would probably be a more balanced cookie. These are still good though, the best Maryland product I've tried in a while, so they're well worth seeking out.

My rating: 4/5

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