
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Today's Review: Weetabix On The Go Tropical

It's been three years now since I had a Weetabix On The Go drink. I seem to remember not liking the things, but looking back it seems I was fairly fond of them. I figured I'd give it another shot when I saw this tropical flavour, it seemed a weird enough combination that it might actually work. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't. If you think you know what a tropical flavoured Weetabix milk drink might taste like, guess what, you're right. It's sort of like Weetabix mushed up into milk, with tropical fruit juice poured on top. The tropical taste isn't exactly as strong as juice to be fair, but it does have that sickly artificial taste to it, and it really doesn't work well with the milk. I guess the Weetabix part is pretty okay, apparently I liked it with the other flavours, but the addition of tropical here seems to be where it all went wrong. I think I'll go back to the strawberry.

My rating: 1/5

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