
Friday 8 December 2017

Today's Review: Go Ahead! Crunchy Dippers Salted Caramel

Continuing on the healthy snack food theme, I picked up these Crunchy Dippers a little while back. They're basically like Dairylea Dunkers, but a sweet version, with mini bread sticks that you can scoop up a sweet dip with. These also come in coconut flavour, but I figured I'd tackle the salted caramel first. 

This is a pretty decent little snack. I say little, because it is little, there's not a whole lot going on, but for a quick hunger fix it's pretty good. The bread sticks, if not more abundant, could have been a little thicker, a few of them snapped as I was trying to scoop. But they're good enough. The dip is a nice sweet little number, definitely tastes of caramel, and I even managed to pick up the salt, which was nice. I would say it's a little thick, maybe I should blame the dip for my broke bread sticks after all, a smoother salted caramel would have made this all the better. As it is though, it's a decent little snack that tastes naughtier than it is. 

My rating: 4/5

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