
Saturday 9 December 2017

Today's Review: Virgil's Root Beer

Another day, another root beer. I said in my review of the Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda that I'd try out their root beer, and now I have. It's in the pretty pricey range of £1.70 per bottle in the Tesco American section, but I figured it was worth it given how good the cream soda was. Turns out they make a damn good root beer too. It has that bold, fresh, distinctive root beer flavour, and doesn't seem watered down like a few of the others I've tried. It's a nice smooth experience, definitely refreshing, and packed full of flavour, with a clean, natural taste that ranks this pretty highly in my hierarchy of root beers. I hope this sticks around for a while, it's some good stuff.

My rating: 5/5

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