Wednesday 18 December 2013

Today's Review: Sour Maoam

I'm a big fan of Maoam. From the sticks to the pinballs, they provide a fantastic fruity, chewy experience. Plus the name is a palindrome, and that's always cool. I'm surprised I hadn't tried these sour Maoam before, but I knew I just had to tuck in when I found them. 

These chews comes in five flavours: Lemon, apple, orange, strawberry and cherry. They're packaged like the blocks in the standard Maoam pack, five small chewy sweets wrapped up in its own packaging, which means five sweets per flavour. That's 25 sweets if you want to try them all and have no self control, and if you are a fan of Maoam then it's gonna be hard to stop eating these. They contain all the great flavour of the originals, but have a wonderful sour kick that, while not face-implodingly strong, did make me wince a few times. The sourness seems to blend in with all the flavours wonderfully, with the fruitiness winning out in the end to provide a lovely juicy finish. I'll definitely be picking up some of these again. I may pace myself more next time, they're just sour enough to start to hurt your tongue after eating too many in a row. But I guess it's a testament to how tasty they are when I've developed a bit of heartburn after savouring every flavour.

My rating: 5/5

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