Sunday 8 May 2016

Today's Review: Cadbury Layers Of Joy Jaffantastic

Another day, another Cadbury dessert. Well, that'll be it after today, I haven't found anymore. Besides, this one is from a week or so ago, I didn't just eat an out of date dessert. But let's press on. Cadbury have dabbled in the Layers Of Joy before with a Creme Egg version, which I didn't think was all that. Now they're back, with a bit of Jaffa wedged in the middle, and apparently also a hash tag, so you can tweet your dessert eating antics.

This one has chocolate on both sides, which is nice compared to the Creme Egg one. more chocolate is always good. Tha Jaffa is a thick layer of bold, orange jelly, it's a little much, but it's a nice enough hit of flavour, and pretty much the same as you'd find in a Jaffa cake. I wasn't looking forward to the sponge that much, as it was quite dry in the Creme Egg pots, but here Cadbury seem to have done a better job. It's a nice soft, spongy disc that works very well with the Jaffa layer, it pretty much tastes like a Jaffa cake in between some chocolate mousse. So while the orange is a little intense, overall this makes for a nice dessert pot. Worth picking up.

My rating: 4/5

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