Wednesday 30 September 2015

Today's Review: Twix Shake

After being quite disappointed in the M&Ms shake I tried the other day, I held off on trying this Twix Shake that I bought at the same time. I did have a little more faith though, I think caramel is probably easier to pull off in drink form, and it needs to be in this case, as this shake has a caramel base, with chocolate and biscuit flavours mixed in.

I was glad they threw the biscuit element in there, it would have been so much easier to make a caramel chocolate shake, but without the biscuit I don't think I could call it a Twix. For the most part, this is all pretty well done. The base is a smooth, caramel shake, thick creamy and sweet. The biscuit flavour is a nice touch, nothing too powerful, and no change to the texture of the shake, but it's definitely noticeable. The chocolate, while definitely there, just isn't as good as it could be. I think this is where the drink slightly suffers from having a caramel base, the chocolate seems to be a bit of an afterthought, and not implemented too well. Still, this is a tasty shake, it has all the elements of Twix contained within, even if they're slightly imbalanced. It's worth a try.

My rating: 4/5

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