Sunday 5 March 2017

Today's Review: Oishi Grape Green Tea

Here's the last of my quick weekend reviews before I return to the comfort (and larger screen) of my computer. This is a green tea with grape. It's not just plain old grape flavoured though, it's present in the form of chewy bits that are present throughout the bottle. Sort of like those aloe drinks you can buy, these small, gelatinous chunks are actually pretty good at packing in the flavour, and while it does take some getting used to it's a refreshing enough experience chewing on those interesting pieces. The flavour isn't perfect grape, but it's that distinct  sweet candy grape flavour that I like. Underneath all that, there's a pretty refreshing green tea, not too sweet or bitter, just right really. So while the chinks may not be for everyone, this is a pretty good bottle of iced green tea. 

My rating: 4/5

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