Wednesday 19 July 2017

Today's Review: Asda Dessert Flavour Cables

Summer is here, and summer means desserts, apparently. I mean, I'll have dessert any time of the year, but I guess it's easier to get hold of the fruit required for these summer desserts in warmer climes. So here we have a bag featuring a variety of four different fruity dessert cables. We have lemon meringue, rhubarb & custard, apple pie and blackcurrant pie. I love me a good cable, so I snatched these up as soon as I saw them.

Let's go through these one by one then. I started with the lemon meringue, and my word, they are amazing. A sharp, sweet, lemon flavour, with a definite hint of meringue, which is only accentuated by the creamy innards, which emulate the texture of the meringue as well as the flavour. Pretty perfect in my eyes. The rhubarb and custard are good too, both elements well represented, and although it's not perfect, it's definitely an interesting flavour to have in cable form, different but pretty great. 

As for the other two, I feared they were going to be a bit of a cop out, and it turns out they're nothing too special. Adding "pie" on the end doesn't change the fact that these just taste like apple and blackcurrant, not much pie to had at all. They're not bad, just disappointing where the other two flavours did such a good job at emulating their desserts. Maybe if they swapped the blackcurrant pie for an Eton mess or something, these would rank more highly with me. Hell, I'd just take a whole bag of the lemon meringue. But as they are, they're just above average.

My rating: 3/5


  1. Asda Dessert Flavour Cables Sounds great, very interesting post

  2. My grandsons just adore these, but sadly seem to be no longer available

  3. Can't find them in any asda stores
