Friday 20 February 2015

Today's Review: Haribo Fizzy Farm Animals

It's been a while since I've reviewed an Easter product. I mean. It's almost Easter, I should have reviewed everything already. Thankfully I had this packet of Haribo I picked up a little while back, and I certainly don't need much of an excuse to open up some Haribo. This bag of fuzzy farm animals is less Easter themed than spring themed, but they still belong in the seasonal aisle I guess. 

If you think these are pretty much like Tangfastics, you'd be right. But in my opinion they're only the best kind of Fangtastics, none of those cola bottles or twin cherries in here. Sure, they're nice, but nothing beats those fruity animal sweets, and that's all that's in this bag. Various fruity flavours, some foam backed, some not. But they're all great. This is one bag of Haribo that didn't have me picking through to get rid of my least favourites. Every one is bold and fruity, and I was definitely left with a spring in my step. Get it? Spring? I'll see myself out.

My rating: 5/5

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