Sunday 17 November 2013

Today's Review: Matchmakers: Yummy Honeycomb

Christmas means Matchmakers, or so I assume, I only see them around this time of year. I must admit that I don't think I've ever eaten Matchmakers. I'm not a fan of mint chocolate, you see, and that seems to be the flagship flavour. But today I picked up a box of the new flavour of Matchmakers, Yummy Honeycomb.

Lots of little chocolatey sticks, more than I was expecting really, you get a lot for your money (when they're half price anyway). As the box suggests, these are indeed honeycomb flavoured. Also, as the box implies, they are also yummy. The chocolate is littered with tiny, crunchy honeycomb pieces that give quite a bold flavour. Perhaps a little too bold, they taste quite fresh in a minty kind of way, much like fruit flavoured chewing gum still has that distinct minty taste. Perhaps it's just me, but while they are tasty, and moreish, the flavour is just a little bit off. I'll have to pick up the orange flavour to form a proper opinion, but these are definitely worth a try.

My ratimg: 4/5

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