Saturday 4 July 2015

Today's Review: McVitie's Breakfast Oaty Breaks: Raisin & Cinnamon

Sometimes, in the midst of cereal preparation and school uniform organising, I neglect to make myself a hearty morning meal. So I always ensure I have a supply of some form of oaty bar to grab on my way out of the house. Medley bars are always a first choice, but I spied this other offering from McVitie's the other week, and have been steadily making my way through them. Each pack consists of two oaty, crunchy fingers, dotted with raisins with some cinnamon thrown in for good measure.

These certainly have a satisfying crunch to them, a great oaty taste that gives me a pretty healthy feeling. The cinnamon adds a little hint of spice, although it's not quite as strong as I'd hoped (coming from an ex-cinnamon hater, that's strange, I know). They are a little too dry as well, though the raisins provide a little juiciness to bring them back from mediocrity. These two little fingers certainly make for a quick, filling breakfast, and have been all I've needed to ingest before lunch. They're certainly not better than Medley bars though, they have a nice bit of chocolate on the bottom and still end up containing less calories. But if you're looking for something a little different, you certainly can't go wrong with these.

My rating: 4/5

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