Thursday 28 September 2017

Today's Review: IKEA Meatballs

I love IKEA. Pretty much my whole place is furnished with IKEA, my walls lined with Kallax, Trofast and Billy. But since I only learned to drive a short while ago, we've made do over the years with saving our IKEA wishlist for a big online order. But no more, we took a trip last weekend, and as eager as I was to get my hands on some flat-pack, I was more interested in heading to the famous IKEA canteen. I had only heard tales of the meatballs that awaited me there, and I knew I had to experience them.

Many people I know have expressed disbelief that I have only just sampled the IKEA meatballs. Many of you will probably do the same, but here I am, a meatball virgin no more. I always wondered what was so special about these meatballs, I figured it was something in the meat, but it turns out it's what they put on top. Cream sauce and jam, as well as the mash on the side. An odd combination, I thought, but it must work if I've heard such high praise, and work it does. This dish is amazing. The meatballs are just great, simple yet effective, the same with the mash. But combined with that creamy, flavoursome sauce it all comes together very nicely. As for the jam, it's sort of like a cranberry sauce, adding a great sweet, fruity hint to the dish. Scooping a bit of everything up in one forkful gives an overall fantastic experience, these really are as good as everyone says. I'll be heading to IKEA a lot more often.

Also you can get two pieces of garlic bread for 50p. What more could you possibly want?

My rating: 5/5

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