Wednesday 7 November 2012

Today's Review: Spilling Black Nail Polish

Nail polish is nice, when used properly. It can make your nails all kinds of pretty colours, with all kinds of pretty patterns. But if it doesn't stay between your nails and the bottle, you're in trouble, as I found out today when I managed to somehow snap the lid off a tiny bottle of black nail polish while looking through a basket full of them. It started off small, leaking from the bottom of the basket onto my bed sheet, but as I tried to stop the leak by digging through and finding the offending bottle, it went everywhere.

Soon my hands were covered, and any initial attempt to rub it just spread the darkness all over my fingers. Thankfully I soon deposited the basket in the sink and found the bottle and the snapped off top. But it was far from over. We have some nail polish remover in the bathroom cabinet, so I went to work pouring that over my hands and rubbing. Problem is, my bathroom has no windows or other means of ventilation, so soon I was gagging on the smell. So out came the cotton buds, and after 12 buds and minutes of scrubbing, my hands were in an almost normal condition. But I never want to touch the stuff again. Nail polish is nice to look at, but a bitch to clean when spilt. Plus it ruined my sheets, and my jeans, of course. Everything I spill ends up ruining my jeans.

My rating: 0/5

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