If you don't know me by now, I'll tell you that I love me some American candy. Well, actually, I love pretty much all candy, as well as most food, but I always enjoy trying out stuff from across the Atlantic that just doesn't exist here. The situation has gotten much better over the last few years, many shops are stocking American products, but it only scratches the surface of what's on offer over there. Online import stores have a bigger range, but that can get pretty pricey pretty quickly, so what's a man to do? Well, thankfully I received an email from the guys at
Sweetly, a new American candy subscription box service, who offered to send me a box of sweets to try out. That's not an opportunity I'll ever turn down, so soon enough this box of goodies was delivered.
It's a relatively small box, but it's quite rammed with a lot of stuff. If you sign up to the service, a box is sent out each month, with a promise of between 12-14 items, five of which are "premium". I guess that means "normally pretty expensive", I know some of this stuff can be a bit hard to get hold of. Let's see what we've got packed into this box.

To be perfectly honest, I've tried quite a few of these before, but I've been an avid snack hunter for a good few years now, so it didn't surprise me. As a starter box, this is a very nice selection. There are all time classics, such as the Twinkie and Moon Pie and Nerds, and the Butterfinger is one of my go to American candy bars, so good. There's stuff I've seen before in Cyber Candy, but didn't really want to pay the inflated price for, such as the Mallow Cups and the Watchamacallit (not pictured, I found it hiding in the box after I'd tucked into a couple of these). There's even stuff I've never heard of before, like the Gummibursts and the U-No bar, so expect a review of those individually in coming days. The can of Gatorade was a nice touch as well, I'm looking forward to seeing which other sodas might make an appearance.
All in all, this box was very impressive. It's a great mixture of the familiar and the new (to me anyway), and it's all tasty stuff. There's a nice variety of both chocolate and sweet products, and I think the Kool-Aid is a fantastic touch, I'm making my way through the jugful that provides at the moment. This is what October's box looked like, but sadly the ship has sailed on this one, and orders are now being taken for November's offering. If it's anything like this selection, I'd be happy, and I'm quite tempted to give it a go myself. This looks like a great service for those who love American candy, and especially for those who like a surprise as well.
My rating: 5/5
If you'd like to give Sweetly a try,
head on over to the site. There are three subscription options available, with varying prices depending on how long you sign up for. A one off box will set you back £16.99, while a 6 month plan will cost you £13.99 a month. It may sound a little steep, but I can tell you that whenever I visited Cyber Candy on a trip to London, I easily spent £12 on an average of five or six items, so this is actually a good deal. If you're still not entirely convinced, the Sweetly guys have given me a discount code to share with you, which will knock 10% off your first order. Just use the code AREVIEWADAY10 at the checkout, and you could get your boxes for as little as £12.60 each on a 6 month plan, that sounds good to me. Happy snacking!