Monday 27 April 2015

Today's Review: Cadbury Marvellous Ice Cream - Fairground Candy Crunch

After trying out the raspberry choc brownie ice cream a few days ago, I could resist going back to see what else Cadbury had to offer with the Marvellous Ice Creams. This one seemed the most interesting of the flavours available, boasting a candy floss flavoured ice cream, swirled with chocolate ice cream and packed with Dairy Milk, mini marshmallows, jelly pieces and a "pink sugar crunch".

The candy floss ice cream sounds good on paper, but in reality I wasn't too convinced. It does have a certain candy floss flavour, but we all know candy floss is just sticky, saccharine stuff, and sadly the ice cream is the same. It's a very bold and sickly flavour, and the sugar crunch throughout doesn't help the situation, lending the ice cream some of the texture that makes the real candy floss pretty sickly. Still, there are a lot of other ingredients on board, and they help to save this ice cream from total disaster. The chocolate ice cream and chocolate pieces are spot on, and the mini marshmallows are nice and soft, a nice squishy relief from the ice cream. The jelly pieces aren't too bad either, the flavour does linger for a while after eating one though, quite an intense fruity taste that overwhelms a lot of the other stuff. But since it's taking over the pretty disappointing candy floss ice cream I don't mind too much. This is certainly an interesting idea for an ice cream tub, but I found it to be pretty average. I think I'll stick with the more conventional ice cream flavours as far as Cadbury is concerned.

My rating: 3/5

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