Friday 24 April 2015

Today's Review: Crabbie's Fruits: Ruby Orange

I reviewed the rhubarb & raspberry variety of Crabbie's Fruits last week, and was mightily impressed. I'd picked up a few flavours at once, and thought it was time to bust out another now that the weekend's almost here. This one isn't quite as exotic (if you can call rhubarb exotic), but it still piqued my interest, even if I wasn't expecting to enjoy it all that much. Alcoholic orange juice just doesn't sound great to me.

As it turns out, I was wrong, this is another winner. The flavour in this drink is fantastic, a bold orange taste that is nice and sweet, but has a lovely tartness to it, it's just like biting into a big juicy orange. This bottle contains 10.5% orange juice, and it really shows, making for a refreshing citrus drink. Once again, as with the rhubarb & raspberry, the tart taste seems to do well with covering up the alcohol, all I could taste was that orangey goodness. This is another fantastic flavour of Crabbie's that's certainly cemented my opinion of this new range. Summer's just around the corner, go and grab a few of these bad boys.

My rating: 5/5