Thursday 16 February 2017

Today's Review: Cadbury Mini Eggs Choc Tarts

The Cadbury new product train is chugging along this year, and here's yet another addition to their Easter range. These Mini Egg Choc Tarts are coming out alongside the less seasonal Flake, Crunchie and Caramel ones, but I figured I'd try these ones out first, as they're likely to disappear once Easter's over. These consist of a chocolate flavoured pastry filled with chocolate flavoured brownie and topped with icing and a Mini Egg.

Notice the use of "chocolate flavoured", you can tell this doesn't contain the most authentic stuff. It's not so bad, but it's noticeable The chocolate parts are a bit bland, and on the whole the tart is pretty dry, the only relief coming in the form of the fondant, and a little moistness in the brownie. To be honest, the brownie is pretty good, and tastes pretty chocolatey, but it's overshadowed by the crumbly pastry, and overall this is somewhat disappointing. I'm hoping the other varieties have something better in store, but this tart is not a particularly good effort.

My rating: 2/5

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