Friday 25 March 2016

Today's Review: Maryland Gooeys Peanut

The original Gooey flavours came out almost three years ago now, my gosh, doesn't time fly? Although I gave the triple chocolate a pretty positive review at the time, I can't say I've picked up a packet since. But my snack hunting gaze landed upon this striking orange packet earlier, promising a peanut flavour. Well, it says peanut on the front, but in the description it says peanut butter flavour, so that made me even more excited. After all, everything is better with peanut butter.

Perusing the ingredients, I wasn't overly impressed. It does say "peanut flavour" on the packaging, but I wasn't expecting there to be no peanuts at all in here. There's some hazelnut in the chocolate filling, but not another nut in sight. They've done a fairly good job in emulating the flavour, there was a definite peanut taste when I first chomped into each cookie, but after a few chews it fades a little and starts to taste like all the other stuff that's been thrown in, ending up with something of a floury taste. There are a good few chocolate chips to alleviate this though, and the filling is nice and chocolatey (and gooey, I guess that's what counts), but the overall lack of actual peanut is disappointing. These are reminiscent of peanuts, but nothing like the peanut butter flavour it promises. A decidedly average cookie experience.

My rating: 3/5

1 comment:

  1. Peanut butter flavoured products containing NO peanuts/peanut butter are the worst. Peanut Müller light and Peanut butter Oreos are amongst the worst offenders. I don't understand why the companys don't just go the whole hog. It's not even like peanut butter is expensive..
