Friday 4 March 2016

Today's Review: Mr. Kipling Dark Chocolate And Coconut Oat Slices

Despite my disappointment over the Mr. Kipling lemon slices the other day, I still knew Mr. Kipling can rustle up a good cake. So when I spied these fancy looking slices yesterday I didn't hesitate to pick them up. Look, they're so posh they don't even use an ampersand. They promised to satiate my growing love for coconut, and my life long love of oaty stuff, and with some dark chocolate thrown in too.

These are a little dry, I'll start off with that. Most of the Mr. Kipling slices have a nice coverage of icing that helps to add a little moisture, and the cake itself is often very light. This slice has a heavier texture, but it is in keeping with the contents. It packs a lovely deep oat flavour, finished off well with some oats sprinkled on top. The chocolate and coconut aren't particularly strong, but they're a lasting presence throughout that blend in very nicely with the cake itself. I often find coconut in snacks is laid on far too heavily, so it's nice to see it used sparingly to good effect. I guess the chocolate chips could have had more of an impact in greater numbers, perhaps alleviating the dryness of the cake, but overall these are some well rounded cake slices that provide an interesting alternative to your regular lemon or angel varieties.

My rating: 4/5

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