Tuesday 1 January 2019

Today’s Review: Monster Vanilla Espresso

Guess who’s back, back again. Yes, it’s me, that guy who reviews something every day. Except I somewhat retired back in September after several uninterrupted years. But I think I needed the break. My posts were becoming uninspired, a constant cranking out of low effort content just to keep up with that daily target. So those few months seem to have gotten my creative juices flowing a little better, and since it’s January 1st it’s time for “new year, new review”.

What better way to kick off the new year than with a kick in a can? Here we have Monster’s foray into the coffee market with this espresso blend. They’ve already tackled tea, which is... alright, but now you can get this triple shot espresso with the good old Monster formula mixed in, which isn’t for the weak hearted, medically speaking of course. Also pregnant women. 

I gotta say, this isn’t too bad. I went for the vanilla because I thought the regular flavour might be a little bitter, and I was pleasantly surprised at how smooth this was. Obviously this isn’t a full blown espresso, there’s some milk chucked in as well, but it’s a smooth tasting coffee blend that has a fairly authentic espresso flavour. There’s also a hint of that distinctive Monster taste as well, which is a little jarring, but the coffee does win out in the end. Clearly not one for the coffee aficionados, but if you’re looking for a can of wake up juice you can’t go wrong with this, just don’t drink too many, okay?

Looks like this bad boy retails for £1.99. A bit steep, but it’s included in the Tesco meal deal, so grab yourself a sandwich and a snack for an extra pound and brag to all your friends about what a great deal you just got.

My rating: 4/5

1 comment:

  1. : ) you're back! really glad I checked your site this morning - I had almost given up hope. I'm not ashamed to say I'm looking forward to catching up on the month of reviews I've missed. Happy new year : )
