Tuesday 3 June 2014

Today's Review: Butterkist Strawberries & Cream Popcorn

With the massive amount of savoury popcorn coming out lately, it's easy to forget about the sweet stuff. All you can really pick up is toffee, sweet, or some variations on those themes. But Butterkist are leading another popcorn revolution with a few new sweet varieties, one being this limited edition strawberries and cream flavour.

Yeah, strawberry popcorn. It's a simple idea, but a unique one, and the cream certainly adds a further summery twist. For the most part, it's quite nice. It's a very sweet popcorn, but the smooth creamy flavour helps offset the sugary taste. The strawberry is quite strong too, and while it blends in with the other flavours quite well at first, it soon starts to become a bit powerful, and definitely tastes artificial. But there's no mistaking that it's strawberry, and the nice creamy undertone does help take the edge off. This popcorn may not be perfect, but it's a nice new flavour that certainly put me in the mood for summer.

My rating: 4/5

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